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Friday, November 18, 2011

Diabetes Diabetes Diabetes

This past week more than a few Native adoptee friends told me adoptees need to be reminded of the diabetes epidemic in Indian Country.  Even if you have not made contact with your natural parents or tribe, adoptees still need to watchful of their health and have regular blood tests.  My birthmother died from complications of diabetes, so I am extra careful.  I remind everyone to schedule your annual physical now and ask your doctor to monitor your blood glucose levels.
As you know, most adoptees are denied their medical history. Some of us are Indian or part-Indian...  I will be posting more on health issues for Split Feathers very soon... Trace
get your blood tested for diabetes

This press release came at the right time: Native American tribes Focus of Diabetes Education Campaign

SANTA CRUZ, CA, Nov 16, 2011, the premier publication for Online Legal Media, has announced an educational campaign aimed at the Native American Indian population. In honor of National Diabetes Month, as well as American Indian Heritage Month, identified Native Americans as an underserved group when it comes to diabetes education and information on the potential hazards and current legal activity of drugs used to treat diabetes. Their Nov. 16th news release will hit media outlets and social media that particularly serve the tribes with the largest populations, including Navajo, Cherokee, Sioux, Chippewa, Choctaw, Apache, Iroquois, Pueblo, Creek and Blackfeet, among others.

According to the Indian Health Service (, American Indians and Alaska Natives have the highest rates of type 2 diabetes in the United States. It is unknown what percentage of American Indians with diabetes have been treated with drugs such as Actos and Avandia, but believes it is important for all users to have a single source of current legal news and pending lawsuits.

For those who, unfortunately, have suffered such side effects as bladder or kidney cancer, heart failure or bone fractures, readers can turn to and read the latest news and information regarding pending lawsuits and other legal actions.

"Indigenous people are genetically twice as likely to get type 2 diabetes," said Ben Stewart, an attorney who works with several tribes on issues concerning Native populations and traces his heritage to the Upper Creek Nation. "Many American Indians are on a supplemental drug plan and Actos has historically been the cheapest drug to treat diabetes. They are receiving treatment for one disease but are not being screened for side effects as a result of their Actos use. is making a great effort to spread the word on this all-important issue."

"We believe it's important to keep topics alive that often fall off the radar of traditional mass media," said Stephen King, CEO. "By reaching out to specific populations, we hope to educate those readers with comprehensive legal news coverage so they can make an informed decision about their possible case."

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