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Thursday, August 1, 2024

DOI report on boarding schools: “Acknowledge, Apologize, Repudiate” + NEW policy to prevent family separation due to poverty



For the first time, the United States is owning up to its role in the deplorable treatment of Native American, Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian children at Indian Boarding Schools over more than a century. The report from the U.S. Department of Interior documents the deaths of nearly 1,000 children at boarding schools—many in collaboration with Catholic and other Christian institutions. The report includes distressing testimony collected at public meetings around the country from boarding school survivors and their relatives, detailing the personal costs of the government’s attempts to eradicate Native cultures and languages. It recommends the federal government not only formally apologize, but also establish a path and funding to account for the wrongs and the continuing harm resulting from it.


Bryan Newland (Bay Mills Indian Community), Assistant Secretary for Indian Affairs in the U.S. Department of the Interior

Ben Barnes (Shawnee Tribe), chief of the Shawnee Tribe and National Native American Boarding School Healing Coalition board member

Gwen Carr (Cayuga), executive director of the Carlisle Indian School Project

Levi Rickert (Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation), publisher and editor of Native News Online

NATIVE AMERICA CALLING: August 1, 2024 – DOI report on boarding schools: “Acknowledge, Apologize, Repudiate”

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Biden-Harris Administration Actions to Keep Children and Families Safely Together and Supported 

The White House hosts a convening on transforming child welfare and announces new policy to prevent family separation due to poverty

 Children should not be separated from their families due to financial hardship alone. Several states, like Kentucky, Indiana, South Carolina, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Washington, and Kansas have already clarified that poverty alone should not cause child removal.


  • Allowing child welfare agencies to draw on federal funds to finance background check operations to facilitate quicker licensing for kin and others who provide foster care.
  • Rolling out a new website spotlights states and Tribes that have adopted new kinship licensing rules, as well as data on their kinship placement rates.
  • Publishing a resource guide on federal programs that provide supports to grandparents and kin in their caregiving roles. 
  • Conducting a series of listening sessions to identify federal flexibilities needed for states and Tribes to adopt kinship licensing rules and kinship first approaches.
  • Respecting Tribal sovereignty. The Administration expanded the scope of Public Law 102-477 plans, which now deliver over $300 million in flexible funding to 298 Indian Tribes to strengthen the economic stability and mobility of families in Indian Country – including by braiding child welfare funding with workforce funding to help preserve families. And just over a year ago, the President celebrated the Supreme Court’s decision in Haaland v. Brackeen, which upheld the Indian Child Welfare Act as a necessary safeguard to ensure that whenever possible, children should be kept with their extended families or community.


EDITOR NOTE: It blows my mind the system that created poverty (and forced adoptions in Indian Country) is aiming to fix that - what, after 100+ years? Really? THEY CREATED POVERTY! We already had KINSHIP care for kids on the rez... it's called family and relatives!

So Biden-Harris really really need the NATIVE VOTE in 2024, apparently...

The billions of dollars spent to run all these gov't agencies and departments to remove Native kids could have ended poverty a long time ago.

That is why some call this POVERTY PORN...   TRACE

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