70. I'm on my way out, and I don't have a problem with that -- that's
natural. But when I look at my descendants, our young people, I just
kinda think we have to reclaim our memory. The genocide of civilization
is there to erase that memory -- we don't remember we're human beings
anymore. That's why there's all the false prides. That's why there's the
drug use, the alcoholism. Those are symptoms of it. It's the genocide
itself. It's denied itself. It's the genocide that's created these
conditions. We've forgotten that we're human beings, and we're passing
this diseased perception of reality amongst ourselves. We really need to
look at who we are. It's not enough to say that 'I'm a traditionalist.'
It's not enough to say 'I can speak the language.' It's not enough to
say 'We're all about respect.' It's not enough anymore. We have to
understand what we're saying. We have to understand tradition, culture,
sharing, love. That's the way it was a long time ago. That was our way
of life." -John Trudell (1946-2015) -- 💙 fly high...

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